USCIS plans to resume in-person benefit eligibility interviews, re-open public inquiry desks and resume biometrics appointments on June 4.  While application and petition adjudications have continued, public services have been suspended due to the COVID-19 outbreak since March 3.  We will continue to monitor COVID-19 developments.

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New Public Charge Rule: February 24

Posted January 31, 2020

Effective Monday, February 24, 2020, all applications for Adjustment of Status or Immigrant Visas abroad will be subject to the new Public Charge rule.  A Declaration of Self-Sufficiency will be required from all applicants. Contact us for expert insight and analysis.


In a surprise ruling sure to set immigration lawyers’ hair on fire everywhere, mine included, the Supreme Court today issued a stay of a New York district court’s preliminary injunction against the tough new Public Charge rule that the Trump Administration originally slated for implementation on October 15, 2019.

In other words, the new Public Charge rule may now be implemented by the Department of Homeland Security in all states nationwide except Illinois (don’t ask).  Expect a DHS notice within 24 hours that will provide a date on which the new rule is expected to take effect, likely within 60 days or less, perhaps much sooner.

(Anybody have a fire extinguisher?)

The State Department, which operates overseas embassies and consulates and the issuance of U.S. visas, has announced that, effective January 24, 2020, consular officers who interview applicants for visitor visas will make a determination whether female applicants that are pregnant are intending to travel to the United States for the primary purpose of giving birth in the country.  If an interviewing officer finds or has “reason to believe” that the visa applicant intends to give birth in the United States, and that that intention is the applicant’s primary reason for travel to the United States, the consular officer will deny the visa.

Enforcement of this rule will, of course, be tricky and likely to lead to higher denial rates for female visitor visa applicants worldwide, whether pregnant or not.  Visitors with B2 visa status are typically granted a six months entry upon inspection.  Female applicants under the age of 50, whether displaying visible signs of pregnancy or not, are likely to be questioned about private health information and may be requested to disclose medical verification of non-pregnancy.

Stay posted for updates to enforcement of this unusual rule.